Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Music suggestions anyone: rock, soul....?

umm pearl jam umm shinedown umm sublime umm neil young umm tom petty umm idk what u ecxactly listen to

What are the best fishes to grow with morph ?

recently i have bought a fish tank 2feet length and 1 feet height and 1 feet width and i bought blue, white and red morph, and i have been told that the morph is a hard fish and i can't grow neon tetra with it, so is there any other colourfull fish that i can grow with morph.

Help on choosing ugg colours? :)?

I got a great pair of genuine chestnut Uggs from a href="*2006/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=25" rel="nofollow"*2006/…/a and I am really pleased with them that i think i will order a grey pair.

How do I become a moderator on clubpenguin?

I did all the things they told me to do but how do they know where you live is it because of all your personal info on your emai? why do you have to live in a certain place to become a moderator? why did clubpenguin get rid of all the glitches you cant even walk on the lighthouse walls anymore i need someone who plays clubpenguin really well and how did Billy Bob become a moderator was he the first penguin on clubpenguin? please tell me

Writing a sonnet? HELP! 10 points!!!!!!?

hahahahahahahahahaha bribing doesnt work if all you have is "points". do your own damn work.

Do i have a panic disorder?

a few weeks before xmas i think i had a panic attack, it started because i had a severe migraine and i think the pain brought on a panic attack, i had this overwhelming fear that i was going to die, my heart felt as though it was going to pound out of my chest and then i lost all control shaking felling sick, dazed breathless numbness in my hand si felt as though i was on drugs, it was unbelievably scary i ended up in hospital as i didn't no what was going on they gave me no answers. so i just forgot about it hoped that's would be the end but last night completley out of the blue it happened again only this time i didnt have a migrane or any pain to trigger it witch made it all the more scary im sure there panic attacks but i dont want my doctor to put me on pills for them, do you think this will happen again and turn into a disorder if i dont speak to my doctor. i really need some advise from someone who has experienced similar things thanks..

Scoffers- Do you even know why the world COULD not END before our GENERATION?

You know the world isnt going to end in conection with the rapture,a bunch of people will be taken to another place so the human race dosnt become extinct but as it will be for a nother thousand years after people will be here progressing befor that last big planet killer hits.

Is 17 yrs too late to start professional athletics?

Hi. This question is more for a friend than me. He is in my opinion a very good runner, sprinter i mean.His time for 100m is 10:50-11.00secs. which i thought was quite good, and just in a talk i asked him why doesn't he take up pro athletics. I guessed that with practice and all, he could have reduced his time to 10 secs which is quite good in a competition or even 9.00-10.00secs which is even better and more suitable for bigger tournaments. But then i thought that maybe it is too late. I was told that people who want to go for pro athletics practice it at an earlier age so that their blood vessels thicken, and the blood supply increases ++ stamina, lung capacity etc. Like pro pianists, sportsmen, footballers don't they have to start from an earlier age?

Will my eyebrow ever grow back because i took a razor and cut a line right tru to make my self look good buth?

its a at the line at the end but noticable how long until it grows bac and will it ever grow back ive only done it 2 times

New music? (Hip hop, Rap, techno.. etc)?

light my fire - snoop dogg dead and gone - timberland ft. ti who the **** is that by DOLLA make a toast by dolla if you want hot but new and old music listen to u92 or 92.50 and i know you want me by pitbull

Why did it take 27 years for the CEHR to prepare a case against the BNP's recruitment policies?

Having waited that long (the BNP was formed in 1982), couldn't they have hung on for a few more months, until the law was changed in their favour. Surely it wasn't a cynical attempt to bankrupt a legitimate British political party before the forthcoming General Election. Maybe one reason is that the BNP have to be taken much more seriously now that they have two MEP's.

What act from saturday night live is this??

I don't know the name of the skit, but it was when Molly Shannon was the guest host. You may be able to go to SNL's website & get/view it.

Can two ex lovers be friends?

depends on how you ended things and how he feels about you. you seem to still love him but are you IN love with him still? its harder when those feelings are still there. it could create problems if you're the only one feeling this and if he is too then why are you guys broken up? but yeah, its possible. just gotta put the feelings aside if friendship is what you want.

Whats the overrall message of Lenore by Edgar Allen Poe?

i like edgar allen poe lol very imaginative. its someone being alienated. someone misunderstood. its salvation. its like carrying your own cross. like jesus said "god picked you out of this world". its just when this world rejects you its a blessing in disguise. when he said that they love her for her wealth and hated her for her pride well i know what that means. all i can say is that its better to be humble than try to fight fool wholl never understand. love poe great poet.

I'm really self conscious about my huge nose?

I think your nose is fine. Sometimes things we don't like about ourselves gives our features personality. Look at the movie stars for instance there are quite a few that have flaws like being flat chested to having a big , even odd bumps on their face but they haven't changed or tried to hide them. And remember it's what's inside that counts, beauty is only skin deep.

Do i have to touch in my oyster to change between central line and overground at startford station?

Basically I am traveling from Cutty Sark (DLR) to Hackney Wick, Cutty Sark and Hackney Wick are both Zone 2 on the London Under/Over ground lines, however I have to change from the DLR to the Overground at Stratford meaning I'm ping zone 3 but not stopping. My weekly Oyster is only Zones 1-2 so do I have to top up my oyster or can I touch in at the Overground bit without a problem?

Built a frame but need felxible wood to wrap around?

You can buy bendy MDF but most people would use ply. Soak it in the bath for a few hours first and it will bend around your frame easily.

How many dead animals have you seen on the road today?

Deer season started Saturday in my state. I hit one that morning and tore up my car and had a concussion from hitting my head on the window when I swerved. I've seen I don't know how many of them since. It's sad that they have to run across the road and pose a hazard to themselves and to motorists just because people want to chase them around with shotguns.

Do you find it funny when you ask a obvious dumb question, but people take it the wrong way?

The problem is that what is an obviously dumb question to you, may not be all that obvious. Consider that we can hear the tone of your voice as you type or see your facial features; add this into the number of dumb questions that are asked and it makes it very hard to tell if a person is serious or not.

Will I ever get over my ex?

its hard to imagine you will get over her but you will. it usually takes you falling for someone else tho, so devote your energy into getting out and taking care of yourself. finding out who you are enjoying things you like then running into someone with the same likes. youll be much happier and way less worried about what shes got going on. 2 years is a long time but concider it training for the right one not just the one you had. good luck <3 broken hearts do hurt but they heal.

If a genie granted you one wish for your best friend, what would it be?

I would wish for him to be truly content and stable with his life. Only then will he be happy. That goes for all of us.

When im ollieng over stuff when do i know wen to ollie ?

it depends on how much speed you have the more speed you have the farther away you have to start your ollie if youre going slow you can ollie right next to the object

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What to wear with denim hot pants to stop them looking trashy?

I did the same thing! Never tried them on in the shop, and only realised just how short they were when I got home! I still made them work though - i wore mine with loose fitting tops, to avoid looking too exposed. My fave was a pretty white tunic style top. Just don't get anything too long, or it'll cover the shorts and you'll look like you're just wearing a top! With the weather getting a little colder now, I've taken to wearing them with some cool plaid shirts, or a tshirt and waistcoat combo. They'll look great with some coloured tights and boots for the winter too.


no not really-the western economies tho r certainly partly responsible. brazil has the biggest gap between rich n poor anywhrre on the planet so i think the ruling cl of brazil have a lot to answer for too. but i do not think the UK is at fault-the protugese to an extent but its free market neo liberal economics that r the biggest factor and thats true not just in brazil but in a lot of latin american and african economies.

I need some violin sheet music?

hey, me and two other kids are preforming in a trio with violins. some song that we wanted to do are; elenor rigby(Beatles), think of me(POTO), Battle hymn of the republic, the old red white and blue, and any patriotic songs that aren't the cliche ones. the price would have to be under te bucks and if you find a good deal, just post the website and ill look at it. id prefer it to be free, but who wouln't like that?

Roxy bedding for a British single bed?

Hay, i'm getting my room done soon. And i was wondering if anyone had heard of anywhere that does roxy bedding for single beds. I looked online but the were all American sizes so i did not know what was for a single bed. And also are american bed sizes diffrent for British ?????

A housefly has somehow got into my microwave oven, while I was using it....?

Does this mean it will become a giant, radioactive bug? If so, would I have to put a spider in the microwave to make a giant radioactive spider to stop the giant, radioactive housefly from wreaking havoc on humanity. And if so, would I have to create another giant radioactive monster to stop the giant, radioactive spider? This is like something straight out of a Godzilla movie.

These 15 players are better than Kobe all time list?

no, no and HELL NO! Kobe is in the top 10. You can't take away the rest of his career, just cause of this series! David Robinson couldn't do anything until Duncan got there. Duncan, both Malone's, Pettit, Robinson are not better than Kobe. Kobe is around 7-9 all time.

Why did she act like this towards me?

I left uni five years ago. Anyway, I was in a pub in central London last week and I saw a girl that I hung out with quite a bit at uni, who was also going out with a guy I was friends with from my course called Dave. We went clubbing, house parties etc together in a group loads of times, and although she was going out with Dave, I thought we were friends cos we used to chat loads and got on well and would always say hi and even danced in clubs together. Anyway they split up after uni so I hadn't seen her since. So I was excited to see her and went up to her and said hi, fancy meeting you here, what are you doing nowadays and she said she didn't recognise me. I then said we were at uni together and all that but she just said that uni was a 'haze', and that she "kind of recognised my voice" and then she basically turned away and rejoined her group of friends. I was shocked and angry. I can't believe that this person didn't recognise me or they could be so hurful.

Was anyone else thrilled when Beth Phoenix did the Glam Slam on Kelly Kelly On Raw?

I'm glad Mickie one but I felt really bad for Beth when Mickie kicked off the ring. I mean the sound of that impact was insane

Should i.............................…

eat my neighbour? he's an old boy who makes too much noise in the mornings which disturbs me when im watching Judge Judy

Is it ok to date now? or am I still morally obligated to my ex boyfriend?

short version, i've been off and on with ex for about 2 years, point is he is just so emotionally cold, & me the helpless romantic, and I went home to see my family and clear my head because I wanted to make a decision to continue to try to work our feelings out or just move on. I do love him and I really want things to work out and we have feelings for each other but he is just doesn't like people getting to close to him and if you keep someone too far away they will leave. 2 weeks ago I spoke to him and I hadn't spoken to him in about a month and he was all about seeing me catching up saying how much he missed me, but of course typically him all talk and no action. So the last time we left things off, it was "this is not a relationship" but we don't know what it is, we are sorting our feelings out. So I just got so tired of hearing it, that is struck a really bad cord with me. Yesterday was my bday, and he never even wished me happy bday. So lately this new guy has been wanted to hang out and to get to know me as a friend and well, I feel kind of guilty but my questions is should I? I mean my ex never returns my phone calls, or texts, calls me like once a month to tell me how much he misses me, then I don't hear from him for another month. I am just tired of being jerked around, and I am starting to grow fond of this new guy, he seems really sweet but i'm still getting to know him as a friend and taking things slow. So I just want to know is this morally ok? cause loyalty is huge to me

On a fender mustang, is it true that the vibrato bar makes the guitar go out of tune a lot .?

this is a question for people that know their fenders... if this is tru, can you please giv me some suggestions . i have heard you can bolt it down but how will that affect the string replacement and the look? -p.s. this is a reissued stang

Problem solving?

In a basketball game, Harold and issac scored a total of 19 points.Issac and Jacob scored a total of 14 points. Issac scored as many points as harold and jacob together.How many points did each player score? Show your work.

I have a 10 month old daughter and a boyfriend that has been convicted of 1st degree CSC can my child be taken?

I was with a man that was convicted of 1st degree CSC in1998 he is about to be getting released from prison. I have a daughter that is almost 11 months old, I am in love with this man that I feel has never been guilty of this crime. I need to know would I be in danger of losing my child even if there is no abuse and this man and I live together?

My cat has a bacterial [ i think] infection around his eyes & nose.�300 at vets, no better. anybody know cure

his eyes look very sore. they skin over then just all split open again. he looks like its healing, the next time you see him around his eyes is raw and the bit between eye and nose haqs split open and bleeding. it looks very painfull. billy needs help.

I wan to become a better muslimah! BUT IS IT GONNA HAPPEN????

ok i am a really weird person top start off everything, salamu calaykum wlwb ok i'm a 14 yr old grl born with 8 sisters one is big and become old (18) and lives in kuwait with my dad because he works there. ok i'm in surat safaat while others in my masjid are little bit ahid of me i know how how to read arabica and recite the whole quran in my tongue is just that i never get chance to although i go to masjid every sat. and sundays. when i get disappointed in myself is cream till i get red in the face in the bathroom where no one can see i'm crying. I go to school with like 2 or 3 muslims and my neighboor who is a muslim alwayz backstabs me which makes me really mad but i don't say anything to her i ignore her. my mom and dad want me to become a doctor who studies medicine but i want to become a islamic scholor well even if i try to convince them about wat i want they'll think i made a horrible choice. what shall i do??? muslims answer my question 1 by 1. HELP ME I'M A DISASTER!!!!!!!

Old tv kids show from 1990's?

Can anyone remember the name of a childrens T.V. program where a group of teenagers who played instruments went inside a computer to fight off virus' using various equipment and so on. It was like power rangers or V.R. troopers but more intresting i cant remember the name for the life of me and would really appreciate it if someone could give me a helping hand remembering the name of it.

Is the old testament now defunct, are we to only follow the new testament?

The Old Testament stopped sin at the act, while the New Testament stops sin at the thought before the act can have a chance.

The lowest common denominator in religion?

Here's is the question, "what do you percieve as being the lowest common denominator in religion or the church"? What is it that appeals to the mes to keep them coming back for more? Is it prosperity, peace, holiness, meaning, purpose, uaging of existential angst or something else, what are your thoughts?

Satire, Irony and Litotes?

Maybe the people answering your question in that manner should be reporters. My kids use Yahoo answers and I want them to learn about the usefulness of the Internet.

Football Trivia: What do these two former star players have in common?

Supreme Court Justices. Okay for all you thumbs down morons I'll be a little more clear for you.....Page is a MINNESOTA Supreme Court Justice.

Statistic: how many TOTAL ual partners is average for an American female aged approx. 25?

I read on some internet page that the average partners a female between 18-25 is between 6-10. Of Course the number always changes, depending on the woman, but according to this article, that is the average number for women in the USA.

Should i go to a community college or university?!!?

I'm working on all my college applications and i cant decide which would be best for me. i heard that the coursework for undergrads is the same no matter where you go but i dont know if thats true. im just trying to look to save money and time if i can get the same education at a community college and save a lot over paying to go to a university for the same thing. at the same time iwant to be able to go to a university to get the real college experience but i dont know what i should do yet. i also heard that if you go to a community college first that universities are less likely to accept you but that sounds unlikely!! i have no clue though!!! please help!!!

In the Great Gatsby...?

Tom is from a wealthy family where men were never expected to remain faithful, whilst it may have seemed distasteful to Nick that Tom is openly cheating on his cousin it wouldn't come as a surprise. You may also notice that Nick ists Daisy and Gatsby's relationship later on in the novel, which makes sense from his position as a narrator rather than a key character, he merely observes his peers.

Monday, August 15, 2011

On again, Off again sore throat? What can this be?

I was sick with viral bronchitis about 12 days ago. That mostly resolved itself in 8 days. I continue to have a sore throat, on right side only on and off again. I went to doctor's yesterday and they did a strep test as well as several blood tests (CBC, Thyroid, Platelets) All were NEGATIVE. I take Motrin for pain which helps and gargles with salt water helps pain some. Pain is usually worse after 5 pm. I usually wake up with litte to no pain. Any ideas?

Tattoos on the foot?

I just got my foot done on Saturday and honestly, it hurt. All tattoos obviously hurt, but I have 3 others and this was definitely the worst. Close to the toes and around to the ankle was the worst part of it. It was tolerable pain (mind you, my thresh hold for pain is relatively high), but it still sucked. My friend was with me and got her foot done as well, and it was her first tattoo and she barely flinched. Guess it all depends on your tolerance and your foot.

Any statistical information on the average age of marriage for women?

preferably in median or mode. and US-only statistics would be nice. also nice if there is information on how that has changed within the past twenty years. Want to prove to a friend that the average age of marriage is increasing. And my theory is that the average has gotten to early thirties. but i could be wrong so I want data to prove/disprove me.

What is the best acne facial cleanser for oily skin?

I've tried it all too. If your acne was as bad as mine? You should go to a dermatologist and do 1 session of accutane. Only side-effects ive noticed is that your skin can get sensitive while taking it and your lips can dry out. So I always kept chapstick on me.

Diablo 3--for all diablo players?

For all diablo players, what do you guys think of the new diablo 3 coming out? im pretty stoked because i watched the preview and the graphics are amazing. im a little disappointed that they steered a lot from the original layout of the game, but either way it should be awesome!

Would it be possible to make wrestling real?

I mean make a new company and have everything real the fights the moves maybe bann some moves like piledrivers. But make it real the winners is real and everything. real sht talking real beef real fights. It might be illegal in USA but it could be filmed in like mexico or colombia. Has this ever been attempted .

How do you get Christians to prepay for pet care after the Rapture?

LOL...where in the world did you find three Christians who believe in the rapture doctrine but don't also have complete confidence in God to deal with anything they would leave behind when he took them???

Why are we mad at the Taliban?

They did nothing to us. 19 Saudi Arabians flew the jets into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. When are we invading Saudi Arabia? The Taliban did nothing to us. A bunch of Arabians called Al Queda who were in Afghanistan caused the trouble. Are we mad because the Taliban couldn't control everything in Afghanistan? Well, we are the most powerful country that has ever lived, and WE have absolutely no control over Afghanistan. Why are we mad that the Taliban can't control what goes on there? We invaded Iraq for no reason, and lost thousands of men, and spent ourselves into a Depression. Now we are trying to turn Afghanistan into Switzerland or Holland. I guess the Saudi Arabians who are responsible for all this must have just about died laughing at us by now.

What was the most shocking game yesterday?

lt's not the game so much but the the performance of the rookie Mark Sanchez he really came up huge against the Pats.

I wanna know if I am on track to get into college?(long question beware)?

If you don't, then I'd hate to see the I.Q. of the person who does. That's an awesome GPA, cl setup, and extracurricular activities set. Don't freak out too much about your cl rank just yet. Be mindful of it, but even at 90, you'd still be in the top 10%.

Hey everyone except atheists liberals?

what do you think would be the reaction around the world if an archeology team found the ark of the covenant in the middle of the dessert and it was ice cold and when one of the scientists touched it he was burned alive would that prove god exists

Have You Ever Been Close To Meeting A Famous Person?

Yep when I was in london at a movie premeir kate hudson and goldie hawn were sooo close to me and then they turned!!

Who is the most underrated wife receiver in the nfl?

Calvin Johnson, top 5 in recieving in a bad team with a bad quaterback he exceled even with those options and is still not in the pro bowl

Will it get better, or has this screwed me up forever?

last week, i was in a really bad earthquake. a few hundred people died and the most beautiful city, was destroyed. my mum made me come home for a few weeks, but i want to go back and help people! i am getting so angry at everybody who wasn't there and is trying to tell me what i am meant to do during an earthquake, when they have never been in one! people are telling me not to move back there and i want to scream at them all! one of my sisters friends pulled dead bodies out of buildings and the other day, he asked if he could come visit my sister (who wasn't in the earthquake) and she said no, because she was feeling sick. i got so angry!! how dare she not think about what he has gone through?! even peoples facebook statuses talking about something 'hard' in their life, makes me just want to yell at them because they have no idea! my friend who was in the quake feels the same as me and we don't know if it will ever get better. it has seriously screwed us up. what the hell am i meant to do? i am just so angry and sad.

I feel like my girlfriend is gonna leave me.?

Me and my girlfriend have been together a year we share so much together, but sometimes she can do things or say things/ not say them at all "I love you" . lke for a example when i was in oregon visiting my family she wanted to go to my frends party but this frend tried to take her from me when i left for oregon the first time, we talked about it i said i didnt want her to go and she flipped at me like she ddnt care what i thought she was mad. She now hangs out wth this guy alot she claims he is her best guy friend and he claims she is her best non dateng GF. he takes her to college everyday she actualy has a cl wth him. and this friend trets me llike **** on the ocasion. now she wants me to take all her stuff out of my house, I now have to say i love you first and she will say it back but she will say it like she doesnt mean it in a snobby tone, I am joining the Marine corps, her father is a LTCOL in the corps and i have recently talked to her father about getting marred to his daughter but now i feel like she is sliping from me. please help......

Does Tetra AquaSafe Water Conditioner go bad?

A few years ago I got a bottle of Tetra AquaSafe Water Conditioner for my fish tank for a few months before I gave up on owning fish. I have just gotten a new tank and was wondering if I could use the same bottle of water conditioner from a few years ago or if it goes bad. Thanks!

Could unjust human "rights" laws cause widespread civil unrest?

This is Britain. the 21st century British are the most socially castrated cowardly race in the world. NOTHING will get them out on the streets to protest. They will just moan.....That's about all they are capable of.

What is a numerical equivalent?

what is the numerical equivalent of 122, the answer is 144(12x12), I don't understand how they came up with that, plz hlp, plz!!!

Whats the difference between an alluminum and alloy power tube for the tippmann a5?

im looking into buying multiple upgrades for my a5 paintball gun to make it faster. ive heard that changing the power tube into one that is metal will raise the speed by a couple of per second. do the metals actually matter or are they basically the same thing?

Consumer Math Homework Questions?

3. If an item is on sale for 6% off, then you have a discount of $12, making your pre-tax price $188. The sales tax will come to $11.28, making your total for this purchase $199.28.

Any idea where I can find a Van Halen tour tee from I believe '07 that says "Who the F!@#k is Eddie Van Halen"?

I saw a tee shirt at one of the VH reunion tours that was a reprinting of the "Who the F!@#k is Eddie Van Halen" shirt from the Sammy tour days. I couldn't buy it at the show and figured I'd get it some other time. Well, that time is now, and I can't find the effing thing for the life of me. Any help finding a genuine shirt from one of these tours would be GREATLY appreciated.

Implantation or Period?

I am due for my period tomorrow April 24th....2 days ago I had moderate period like cramps that just wouldn't go away.....then they went about about 12 hours later....and then for the last 2 days after that occurred...I been have dull aches in that general area nothing like period cramps....I have been have bad acne breakouts which have actually calm down, I'm extremely tired, did get swollen and achy but that went down too....achy muscles, off and on dizziness, and off and on headaches as cycle is between 26-28 days and last for 3 to 4 days each cycle....just want to know if that was possiblity implantation cramping and if so how long does implantation usually last? or if it just old aunt flo around the corner?? thanks!

Why immigration of canada stopping the Canadian to have pport?

new pport law required to some one sign application as grunted and if you don't have any grunted or any one know you in past 2 years or people to scare help each others because sep 11 .....required to take responsibility and need to write the pport numbers of the grunted, which easy way and better way they can send to police for this matter and sing photo..... what kind democracy we have in Canada and why united nation never looks to help us from this nasty regime and dictatorship we have in Canada? I thinks Canadian citizen having right to have pport , not the frustration and frustaration by government

Has Joe Biden been coaching Obama in political correctness? Read HERE!?

Yes, now Obama is saying the same rhetoric that Joe used to say. Trying to get more division in an already divided nation. As McCain said he would rather lose an election then lose a war, well Obama would rather win the election and the hell with uniting the country. Just get to the Top so he can make history at all cost.

Walter Stockdale Knife?

That's a good question, but you posted it in the wrong place. The zombies on this board are far too slow read beyond the second paragraph. Consider abridging the question and don't use big words like indentation. On second thought, forget it.

I just moved into a small cottage flat. I have a red suede sleeper couch in my living room!?

What other colour can I put with this? I do not want to use the usual colours of black, white or beige. Please help. I am 22 years old so I want the room to reflect something young.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What drugs have a chemical sulfuric like smell to them when they are smoked?

im pretty sure someone i am close to is using so i just need a straight answer that is accurate not just hearsay so i can be 100% sure

Do people like the scent of candy cane?

my mother has bought me a philosophy candy cane lane trio it has a 3 in1 gel that can be used as a shampoo shower gel or bubble bath lotion and lip shine i dont know if ppl will like the scent i know it does not matter what they think i was so greatful of my guift because i love philosophy and how could u go wrong with candy canes? but i have not tryed it yet im opening it on christmas and i dont want to walk around smelling like a vapor rub or menthol medicine

The Great Gatsby! question :)?

I'm reading Scott Fitzgerald's clic, I'm in grade 12. It's not a required reading material in my country, but I'm reading it for fun :) I'm actually enjoying it, and as usual when I read clics I read every single little thing in there to find out all I can about the book before I actually read the book (a tip I found was genius after I read Crime and Punishment and was confused after--I read the notes and it helped me understand a lot more). In the notes of The Great Gatsby it mentioned that it was not a popular book in Fitzgerald's time. Why? Charles Scribner III apparently adored it. Haha, that's my question. Why did people not like The Great Gatsby when Fitzgerald was alive?

Another one For the Femmes: Wouldn't a simple 'Excuse Me' suffice?

Maybe I'm a chauvinist but when did this thing with girls going 'I have to go pee' or variations thereon become hip? Who thinks that's cool!? I really don't need to know exactly which bodily function you're about to carry out, just excuse yourself; 'I'll be back in a minute' or whatever. A little cl for gods sake! Or am I just getting old and not keeping up with things anymore and this is normal?

Is this common in Indian culture?

I volunteer on a school committee with a woman who is Indian. Whenever anybody goes to her house, she insists they have a gl of orange juice. I doesn't matter if you're in a hurry, or stopped by to pick up some items, needed to drop something off..she insists you come in for a drink of OJ. Is this a cultural thing?

I wanted to buy a PC, I configured one PC, configuration as follows:?

O.K. but you will likely need a video card if you are a gamer. A 500 GB hard disc is considered by many to be rather smallish these days.

Clothing from the 1960's?

its okay. make sure ot use LOTS of hairspray and maybe a headband. keep your hair volumized to the MAX

I neeed help finding images?

i need to find images for chromosome, gene, dna, genotype, zygous, heterozygous, phenotype, allele, test cross, dominant allele, recessive allele, independent ortment, law of segregartion, punnet square, incomplete dominance, and co-dominance.

Should I trade Adam Wainwright for Derek Jeter?

I wouldn't make this trade; Wainwright is your ace. Though you may not get the average, you can get the same power and speed from multiple different SS in the league.

Hmmmm.....I wonder if physicss are real?

Dude, do u really think that u could challenge the astrologers like this! Astrology is an ancient & complete science. Others are still developing. Anyway, if u want to know anything bout your love life, you can give your full details on They are professionals. You have to submit your place of birth & time of birth also. I am sure u have by now tried all the other means.Try it once, u have nothing to loose except some cash! I have tried it myself & it has never failed me.

She is acting differant out of nowhere? Help?

Well we both like each other but we are not together yet. She usually calls me darlin an wishes me sweat dreams everynight. Last time she said those was thursdays. I liked it when she said those stuff to me cause to me, it was kinda like a reminder that she still liked me which made me feel good. Friday we hung out with our group and she hardely talked to me. I texted her the next day asking be why she wasnt talking to me and that we hardly talked. She said "I didn't en realize, I'm sorry." I told her that I stopped making efforts to talk to her cause it seemed like she didn't wanna talk to me. She said "I must have been kinda out of it. Sorry." On the weekends, if I don't text her first, she texts me. Yesterday she didn't text me first which was kind o strange. I texted her like at 6:00 p.m. What do I do? She is acting differen out of nowhere! She hasn't really been fun to text that. Should I not tex her for a while and see if she texts me? Should I not go to school to see her? I'm homeschooled and she is not. I go to the highshool everyday after school. Could she be on the time of the month? Im not gonna ask her that cause girls get offended or Somthing. What did I do? I did nothin wrong! What could be the reasons behind this? We text everyday for months. Maybe I'm being too clingy? How long should I not see or text her? I'm probably not going over there cause I gotta do homework. And if I don't text her on a school day, she would text me like at 8:00 p.m if I havent texted her yet.

Am i over thinking things or do i take myself to serious?

every time am in a social gathering or dealing with a problem of some kind i seem to look at it from 20 different point of views not for the plain simple fact that it is. example: am lifting wieghts and i dont see the progress so i start looking at it in different ways like am too lazy and i have to this and that differently. 2 nd example am in a resturant am eating and i start thinking about everyone in my surrounding who will get offended if i say something improper...?? and help

Was i molested today in the mage parlour?

hey was wondering. ... today i went over for a full body mage in a nearby parlour which happens to be quite renowned. my meuse , as is the norm, was a woman in her late 20s, or thats what it looked like. she's new there, never seen her before. now whn my backside had been maged she turned me over, till which point it was normal, and she handed me a couple of extra towels to cover my chest and my lower abdomen and thighs. and she had her face turned away when i was gettin myself covered. she's a very well behaved, warm, communicative girl, or at least thats what i felt. then she was maging my rib zone and tummy, back to my chest area, and BANG! she touches my underneath the towel ones, and then after a while later ones more, very subtly while she's still maging.. and then she CATEGORICALLY rubs my areola and , alternating my . actually i never came across this before so i asked if nipple massage was allowed, and then she said there was some change in the rigid norm cause the parlor had just changed hands. she asked me if i was comfortable with an intimate massage and i didnt have any reason to say no cause i was liking it (hey stop judging any girl would like it i'm sure, and she was a woman for gods sake). and she took her time massaging all of it, it felt awesome but not for ones did it feel like she was being ual and fondling my private parts or something.. but then another thing happened, she was working up my thighs which is the next best thing i like right after a back massage, but then she surprised me ones more. its perfectly normal for a masseuse to touch the pubis while massaging thighs, but she , with quite an intensity did massage the outer lips patiently working her way into the inner side of my ......... now i was really embarrassed and couldnt ask her to stop or something, she continued for some time.. and i'm really sensitive so i had a really intense *you know what*. it was all very relaxing, true, but i was wondering if she molested me, or if she is a or something...

Great Gatsby Question?

The novel portrays members of the upper cl as s generally and other people as casualties of their careless lifestyle. For example, Tom was a bully and a cheater, while the Wilson's were killed as a result of Tom and Daisy's actions. Gatsby who was also rich was cut short in the prime of his life. Fitzgerald wants to get across the message that even if you pursue the American Dream with the most innocent and idealist intentions, the moral decay in society will catch up to you and bring you down.

Removing a Back boiler ?

We're moving in to a new home and it's got a back boiler built in behind the gas fire. we we're wondering how much roughly it would cost to remove the back boiler and maybe put a new boiler in the bathroom, or would it be easier to just to put a new boiler next to where the back boiler is?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a dictatorship versus our current government with three branches?

In the UK not a lot. We are living 1984 now. Elected politicians don't represent the people, only what they would like which 99 per cent of the time is to their benefit. People don't matter. Fact of life over here is that the top echelon of govt. and the wealthy are all in cahoots to keep the populace under their thumb.

Need your opinion!!!?

I liked it alot especially describing the night.Your metaphor about 'The sky blackened with ebony clay' was very well thought out and descriptive. It just painted a picture in my head, but I think that maybe instead of saying 'if just maybe, there be a tomorrow' you could say maybe, there WILL be a tomorrow, but it's your own preference. Overall I liked it though.

Why is that biracial/multiracial people are SO beautiful?

Lol get this, I'm 1/2 Irish, 1/4 Italian, 1/8 French, and the rest is equally Hunguarian, Czechlovockian, Polish, Romanian, AND GYPSY. So I'm basically a white dude that tans VERY EASY and have varied characteristics, I would consider myself like an 8/10 for looks. But to be honest, I rather be a mut than 100% of anything because those looks are simply too predictable :D chances are youre beautiful too, just a different way than your sister. Us multi's needa stand together :p

Realistically, why is it that momentum is not always conserved in a system.?

For instance, in the physics lab we did with 2 carts colliding in elastic and inelastic collisions, the total change in momentum was not zero. What momentum are we not accounting for and why is the effect not noticeable?

Does anyone have a list of 'moderate' American muslims leaders who publically denounced these attacks today?

Why must "moderate Muslims" bend over backward to attack the radical elements of their faith?

Baby in pain w/ Molers?

Anyone have good remedies? She also is a little congested. Would a humidifier help her? She tosses and turns last 2 nights. Hardly takes an hour for a nap-no fever just clammy. Her molers are def coming in too..

Does light or dark hair look best on poeple with light skin? (pics)?

i think it can go both ways. i like darker where my hair is light brown with a lot of natural blond high lights and it dyed auburn red all the time. i am pasty light skinned where i like it that way. so what ever looks best you think.

My 22 month old still gets up every 2 hours--what could be wrong with him?

he expects me or his daddy to pick him up and rock him to sleep..sometimes if im lucky if i give him a pacifier and pat him on the he goes back to sleep. hes never slept through the night once yet since hes been born. he wont go to sleep until 11:30 or 12 at night. and gets up "officialy" at about 7 or 8. he takes one nap in the afternoon for about 1.5 hrs at about 12:30 or so. ive tried not letting him have his afternoon nap but he just gets really grumpy and tired and just falls asleep later anyway and then he gets up again after 1.5-2 hours and then it sucks b/c now he doesnt go to sleep until 1 or 2. so im left with letting him take his afternoon nap so at least he goes to sleep at night around 1130 or 12. its the hardest thing ever to get only5 hours of sleep everynite and even that be interrupted every couple of hours. ive mentioned it to the doctor at every well baby visit and they alawys say just let him cry it out--ive tried that and he just screams and starts throwing up and cries for hours on end. he is healthy otherwise--not hungry or anything.he walks and runs and he has about a 40 word vocabulary (no sentences yet) although he doesnt use any words on his own- only if i ask him what is that---he will tell me the word but otherwise he just pulls and points. its too embarring to mention to the doctor anymore and i dont know what to do. any advice?

Face pack 4 my skin!!!?

Hey maddy this is nandu, use papaya face pack, take a piece of papaya and apply all over ur face and neck in the morning and wash ur face with cold drinking water after 20 minutes. And before sleep apply glycerine on ur face especially round da eyes. And wash ur face 7 times a day with cold drinking water and wash with 1/2 litre of water every time.

Who do I start at TE? My Choices are limited so best accurate answer gets BEST Answer!?

I have Owen Daniels, who has sucked, but also picked up Daniel Fells (who isn't much). Help a rother out!

Testifying in court for falsely accusing someone?

I will plan to testify in court for false allegations i lied about my brother and said he hit my car with his and chased me with a knife when he didnt instead i chased him with my car to ure he got arrested when tired to leave after we fought. He made me sooo angry and wanted him arrested and now I feel guilty for what i did; the state of California is charging him with attempt murder for the false allegation of hitting me with his car and knife part that i said. I feel so bad for doing this to him now i have to go to the prelim since i was served with a subpoena. IN do plan to testify that i lied does anyone know the California laws for false allegation? Will i get arrested? and when i do go too court does he get dismissed or does the District attorney have the right to continue pressing charges for my false allegations which is quite impossible but please help answer my questions. i have court Wens. next week 3 of Sept.

What is the quotient and the remainder when x^3+4x+2 is divided by x+2? answer's rounded to the nearest tenth?

I had this on my most recent exam and I had trouble with it (ended up getting it wrong). My midterm is next week and I know this type of question will be on it. Please help! Thanks!!!

Help with the games guys play?

Ok i have dated this guy off and on since middle school i am now 20 but here's our history... every time we dated he'll get close and then pull away and we wont speak for awhile then he just reappears and we go through it all over again the last time we dated he told his mom he was going to ask me to marry him but then disappeared i know i need to move on and i have tried but he just keeps showing up and i wanna know why anyone have an idea

What does "through high protection" mean?

It is difficult to know exactly what is meant without more of the writing for context guess would be that the reference is to protection from some "higher power"....God, perhaps?

Isn't this the most beautiful prayer?

O Glorious Archangel St. Michael, Prince of the heavenly host, be our defense in the terrible warfare which we carry on against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, spirits of evil. Come to the aid of man, whom God created immortal, made in His own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. Fight this day the battle of the Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in heaven. That cruel, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels. Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the name of God and of His Christ, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. This wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity. These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be tered. Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory. They venerate thee as their protector and patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious power of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, that they may quickly conciliate the mercies of the Lord; and beating down the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen.

Did anything happen between John Cena and Mickie James?

I saw the one where she asked him to get drinks, but I missed the next one. Did anything happen? I really want to know.

Is the Bible perhaps one of the Greatest Satires of Religion of All Time?

With such painfully cliche and one dimensional characters and prophets, gory violence, and to top it off, a hilariously mysterious, inefficient and magnificently cruel God, can the Bible be considered a top notch satire of man's chronic desire to invent Religion?

AMC: Annie and Richie?

I have a feeling that Annie may refuse to help Richie as a bone marrow donor and then he will find another donor (perhaps Babe) and once he is better he will come after Annie even worse than before because she wouldn't help him. Does anyone else think this might happen?

Alerts all over my computer to get protection, what to do?

it's a scam...Here is a list of free online virus scans (That one is Microsoft's) offers free manual disinfection and a free security suite from the makers of Comodo Firewall now offers free antivirus and antispyware...besure to turn off onboard antivirus before starting online scanner

Need help fixing AU ford falcon 97?

I would suggest one simple thing that apparently hasn't been tried. Go to auto store and buy a battery brush. Remove battery terminals and clean the terminals and battery posts 'till they SHINE. Replace and tighten and all should be well. Always do the easy things first.

Would you shake hands with the Antichrist...?

Why not? Its not like if you shake hands with them you'll go to "hell" (made up) it really doesn't matter

OMG i might have to have a ceserean baby breech!!?

im so freaking out im 37 1/2 weeks preg they tried to turn the baby today with no luck i go back in a week if she still hasnt turned i will be having a ceserean when im 39 weeks is it painfull ? how much pain will i be in afterwards ?im just really scared this is my first baby so i dont know what to expect any answers will be great thankyou :0)

Are christian conservatives aware how strongly they opposed the civil rights moveme as a "communist movement"?

I am neither a Christian or a Conservative but they're halfway correct when it comes to the civil rights movement. There were many communists involved in the movement and still are even today.

Did i handle the situation right, or was this immature?

immature? no way if anything you showed strength of character by not playing into his hands and the shaking of the head man that would have just re-enforced your disgust in him , from a guys point of view what you did would have cut deep even if he didn't show it, good for you

War critics: Did Saddam Hussein not deserve to be toppled?

Wow, I notice not a single one of the war critics has answeed the question. C'mon, show the courage of your convictions and answer: DO YOU THINK SADDAM SHOULD STILL BE IN POWER?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How difficult is it to crochet infant headbands?

While it is listed as crocheted, i don't think that is what that is. Crocheting isn't generally stretchy.

How hot does a standard propane torch get?

It should say on the side of the canister. My memory is not as good as it used to be, but I want to say 1800 degrees. There is a hotter burning gas called MAPP gas. Comes like regular propane, but a different color canister. Usually yellow.

Which of the following properties is NOT a characteristic of the Group 1A elements (alkali metals)?

Pure alkali metals are not liquid at room temperature. There is an alloy which is liquid however. "NAK" is a mixture of Sodium and Potium. It is a very efficient heat conductor, but has to be used in sealed pipes, since it reacts explosively with air or water.

What is the best way to sharpen curved nail scissors?

ive heard to sharpen any scissors, fold aluminum foil a few times and cut with the scissors repeatedly. i remember trying this,but dont remember the outcome...

Why am i always cold?

wear a hat. most of your body heat escapes through your head. a hat will trap that heat. i get cold really easily too. sometimes i just have to crawl into bed and lay there and wait to warm up lol.

Desperate Grammatical Question - Which makes more sense?

I got into an argument on a forum, where my text posting color (magenta) was too close to another user's text posting color (red). I expressed the sentiment that I don't like my color to be too close to someone else's by saying, "I don't like [our colors] to be too close to be distinguishable." The other user corrected me, saying, "Don't you mean, 'I don't like [our colors] to be too close to be indistinguishable'?" I argued that, no, my version was correct, because to be "too close to be distinguishable", with (from one another) following understood, makes sense, whereas "too close to be INdistinguishable" doesn't, in my context. Right?

Theoretically, how much warming would a doubling of atmospheric CO2 to 560 ppm cause ......?

Considering that one sample of co2 when i was doing the tests a couple of months ago was close to 6000ppm, maybe a little more and it was less capable of holding heat than ambient air i would have to say things would cool off better at night in low humidity zones. it is not co2 that warms things up it is humidity pure and simple as anyone who has actually performed the experiments will know. Even at concentrations approaching that of nitrogen co2 has a hard time retaining any heat at all. This is why it is one of the very best refrigerants on the market.

Will Diaper Genie work well on our trip?

Me, my husband, and two kids (14 and 16) are going on a trip from our home in Arizona to Connecticut.. instead of making bathroom breaks all the time I am making them all wear diapers (including my husband and I) and have already got the diapers and wipes together.. I'm wondering if a diaper genie would be a good idea to keep the diapers from smelling in the car? Thanks!

Should Mohammed Ashraful be nicknamed "Teflon Man"?

mayb a experience guy is needed in the team.mayb he is useful in the field to give advice to the captain to give the mental support to the younger team mates .cz if ashraful gone then this Bangladeshi test team will look like a infant with no experience

Alpine cda9807?

Ok i just put my alpine in my 2000 mitsubishi eclipse gs. with the factory amp and all the harnesses needed. i have the PIE adapter for the input cables plugged in but there is no sound when the HU is on AUX. Y is there no sound. everything works great on the tuner mode please help thx.

My friends and I want to be characters from the scarlet letter for halloween, help?

visit to a href="" rel="nofollow"http://www.cheapscaryhalloweencostumesid…/a and get your wish fulfilled

Essay Prompt help, i don't know what it's asking me to do?

well u should probably read the damn story first lol ..... but u are supposed to find the symbols write what u think they meant to the author and how they helped him/her then write how they help you to better understand the work .... at least thats my understanding of this

Help ! I bought a new bike, thinking that i will save a fortune in gasoline, but it's not working out too well

Hey.. I carry in my bikes everyday also, although not up loads of steps.. I know how that goes from taknig the train and subway in NYC. Anyway, I forgot his name but I just read an answer the man who works in a bike shop, he's on the ball about how to hold the bike.. try to rest the top tube on your shoulder.. it makes is so much easier to hold. and don't leave your bike in the street overnight... if u do use kryptonite chains.. they're strong... I personally wouldn't ever leave my bike locked up overnight! or for more than an hour or two. Dont go back to driving!!!!!! and dont ride an exercise bike~~~~ keep riding and you'll realize more and more about how to go about riding and when you have the right of way.. and if anybody ***** wit you.... spit on their car! aight!?

Is it possible to be hypnotised to dislike the taste of junkfood?

A friend of my fathers was hypnotised 3 years ago, to give up smoking and hasnt touched a cigarette since, he lit one the next day and couldnt stand the taste and thus hasnt smoked at all since, i was curious if this could be applied to junk food or whatever an individual wanted.

Effects of Dried/Dead Coral on Freshwater Tank?

So long as you have completely cleaned the coral by boiling it as you said you have done, it shouldn't have any affect on your water at all. The most would be contribute to an elevated pH, but the size you describe and the size tank you have would probably not be a noticeable elevation. Your convicts are cichlids that are found in central and south America. Being cichlids they would prefer more acidic water with a pH at or just below 7.0. They are easily ed with males having fins that taper into a point at the ends and females being rounded. They can be quite aggressive towards other fish as they are territorial. So keep them with other similar sized or a bit larger fish, preferably other cichlids. They are also very easy to breed. They normally will pair up on their own and begin to build a nest that is a depression in the gravel or in a cave or crevice. When the female begins developing eggs her abdomen will swell and become a bit orange in color. Once the eggs are ready, she will lay them on a flat surface, sometimes like the side of a small cave or a rock. The eggs will stick to this surface. Both parentrs fan the eggs to keep fresh water flowing over them and to keep any debris from aculating around them. The eggs should begin to hatch after just a few days and the babys will be very small. You will be able to see them and they look like a pair of eyes and not much else until they get a few days or weeks older.The parents will defend the babys fearlessly against any other fish that gets too close. It is best to keep only 1 male and several females. That way you avoid more than 1 pair spawning together and thus constantly fighting with one another.

I am very sad, confused and angry. I need to talk with HP!?

Voldemort, love works in strange ways. One day you are in love pionately with someone then the next they are gone. I know exactly how you feel. Things like this take time. Until then, let the tears flow. Like I have to everyday. You know why. Because I l..l..lost..... **Runs away crying**


I haven't heard who Seattle is giving up for Lee, but I would be shocked if both weren't signed to 4 or 5 year deals. There is no way a team would give up so much for a pitcher in the off season who will be there only 1 year. The Phillies and Mariners will have a window to try to negotiate an extension or new contract before the deal is official. I'm still a little shocked that the Phillies gave up Lee for Halladay considering how dominate Lee was last year, I would have thought they would give up a few top end prospects plus a position player to get him.

Camera speeding ticket in company vehicle with client in car?

Yesterday I was driving my companys van with a handicapped client in the car and I'm not sure but I think a speeding camera flashed me as I drove by. I'm not sure how fast I was going, at most 55 in a 40. So I want to know if anyone else had been in a similar situation of this to know what will happen to me at my job if I do get the speeding ticket. Also, I wanted to know if there is a way I can call and check to see if I do have a speeding ticket before it gets mailed so I can find out the information before my employer does. I live in MD if that helps. Thank you.

Do ya'll think debbie rowe actually has a shot at getting michael's kids?

from what i saw at the memorial service its obvious how much the Jackson family care for those young children and vice versa, little blanket is not biologically Debbie Rowes thus she has no claim on him, and it would be a tragedy to split those children up, i pray they stay with the only family they have ever known

How many pages are in the book mockingjay?

I like book promo videos, I've seen a lot of them, these are great. They give you a real good sense of the book. if it is fantasy fiction you are after check them out.

Aquarium Eggs on Gl? Please help identify!

Sounds like cory cat eggs. Cories lay sticky eggs that they ter around on the surfaces of things such as the walls of the tank and the decorations. Danio eggs would be tered along the bottom of the tank and are usually extremely tiny and not sticky, while gouramis are bubblenesters. If you want to hatch them, you should probably take them out and put them either in another tank or some kind of breeder or seperate enclosure to protect them as your danios and gourami will eat most of them otherwise. Even just putting them into a fish net in the tank will do. Congratulations on your cories spawning! Cory fry are so cute! I hope you get some.

Anyone have any neck warmer patterns for crochet?

I wanna make a nice thick one you can just put on and i want it stretchy so i can put it on over my head

Halloween ideas anybody?

go as a rockstar/punkish girl...that's what i'm being. go to my question ( ) i outlined an entire outfit there :)

Why do guys think when i speak to them or look into their eyes that im really interested?

that i was making a proposition?im not overtly flirtatious but they think i want them?what signals im sending out?they stare intensely into my eyes?what does it mean?

Navy vs. airforce: which one is more honest?

Air force. Yes you are guaranteed one of the jobs you list. They won't just put you where they need you unless you fail out of the job you got's tech school. But in your case you could list 5 jobs in the same field and will get one of them, you may be waiting awhile for one of those to open up because the air force isn't rreally hurting for new recruits. But all in all you'll get one of them.

Re-post: 6 month old is sick?

You could rub a little Vick's on his tummy so he will breath in the vapors that should ease cough and breathing. Keep him warm. Tell the doctor wht is going around the day care place and ask him what can be done about the other things going around he won't have at this time. Good Luck

Are their any promo codes or Coupons for- 6flgs Great America, IL?

Is their any promotions or coupons available like on pop cans or printable sheets to use for this month-until?

Sedation dentistry and periodontal disease?

I think I might have periodontal disease, and I'm freaking out. I have an extreme phobia of the dentist, and haven't been in about 12 years! I ume I'll have to get a deep cleaning/scaling/planing done, and I am terrified. I have been considering sedation dentistry, the asleep kind of sedation (iv), not the conscious sedation (laughing gas), although I admit I'm a little weary of being completely knocked out. Anyone have any experience with any of this?

How can I make my Intel GMA 950 use more System memory?

Yeah, I need 256 MB of memory on my graphics chip to run this program but it only uses 220 MB of my system memory. Can I make it use up more?

I want to get a dog so i need your help?

I have two dogs, but my parents are pet lovers. So I never had to persuade them. But a good thing to say to persuade your mom is to say, It teaches me responsibility. Don't lie, if you say you can take care of it, you need to. If you want a dog to snuggle with I would recommend a Boston Terrier. They don't drool and barely shed! :) My terrier loves to snuggle and she sleeps in my bed too, well when I let her :P

Friday, August 12, 2011

What is the current role of the electoral college?

As always, to elect the president, as the president in not elected by the popular vote. The first person to receive 270 Electoral College votes, wins. Why? read the Constitution, or read a U.S high school history book.

People from the future: Does anyone NOT think that they are a crock of S#!T?

I am not a crock of S#!T. I came from the future not to get your cows or your embryos but to get your poon tang. I mean no harm. I only want the poon tang and then I'll be on my way. Also I came here to buy stock in my great great great grand father's name and leave it to myself. I am going to buy VVUS. Then I'm going to pack up all the poon tang and get on back up to a more civilized future dominated by true enlightenment. Thank you for understanding.

Jehovah's Witnesses...please help?

I have been with my wife since she was 18 (I was 26 when we met) and we have been together almost 5 years but married for only a 1 1/2. She just recently cheated on me and I forgave her but everyday is a struggle with my feelings of loneliness, depression, heartache, and sometime alot of anger. I have tried talking with her about it but she gets frustrated when I bring it up. I know I forgave her but it is hard to forget something like this. It hurts so bad. I am a man but yet I want to cry like a child. I can not, for some reason get that night out of my head. I stayed up until 4:30 in the morning with my 2 kids wondering where she was. When she got home from the club she said that her and her friends were out eating and she said it with a straight face. A few days later she admitted to sleeping with another guy. Then she admitted that she came back to me because the other guy did not want her and we have kids together. I am so torn up inside right now but cant talk to her about it. I have prayed. When I look at her, I see that I love her but I am still angry inside. She tells me she regrets it every day but she still has this itch to want to leave me and the kids home and go and party with her friends. She says she gave up her youth for kids and marriage and that I should be more understanding and that I forgave her and I need to get over it already (its been 2 weeks since the cheating), she MAY BE PREGNANT FROM ME but she does not seem happy at all. What is the answer to all of this. Fellow brother and sisters out there that can offer their opinion FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART - PLEASE HELP!

Atheists do you know anything about Buddhism?

Or do you just kinda ignore it because it disproves your beliefs Step one repel the falsehood of faith in Gods, step Two Accept the truth or cycles of nature, way's of enlightenment, and the guidance of enlightenment, step three Profit!

Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeMusic 7.1 Channels 24-bit 96KHz PCI Interface Sound Card problems?

I have a creative Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeMusic 7.1 Channels 24-bit 96KHz PCI Interface Sound Card, it worked fine until i got home from Christmas break-also after i installed a SATA harddrive (i didnt use the computer until the drive was in) but before I left the card worked fine, i tested the speakers on my tv and they were ok, when i turn the volume up it gives me a scratchy/static sound, my motherboard is made by biostar, I also get a very, very, very faint sound with my speakers turned all the way up...and my computer volume is all the way up too

How do I update an LG Blu Ray Player? ? ?

Connect your blu-ray player to the internet via ethernet cord or wireless (if supported), and simply turn it on. If you do not get a menu asking you to update the firmware then go into the settings and check manually for an update.

What "sweet thing" does your child do for you?

Last week I was sick with a cold so I laid down on the couch and told my 3 year old son to keep quiet while mommy rest. He came to me and said "lay down and rest mommy get to feel better" and he wanted a hug and I told him that mommy didn't feel good and need to stay laid down. After that he put a quilt over and took my hand and gave me a kiss on my hand and said "get well mommy i love you"

What is the probability that....?

It depends on how many fish he brings in. If he brings in 1 million fish, the probabilities are (almost) 1, 0, and 1.

No points for guessing I am pregnant! Because.....but!!?

Well according to NDR the KON of the BGV will determine the BNJH of the WDS. Aren't you just soooo LKIUY right now?

My 2 1/2yr old daughter got into paint and ingested some not sure how much, should i take her to the doctors?

Its not lead based so im not as worried but even though shes showing no signs of problems but im not sure if i should have her seen just to be safe or what?

Guys or Girls...what should I do?! Please Help! ?

im girlfriends with my neighbor..we get along, i get along with all with all his friends..BUT i believe i am his first serious gf and he used to be like the JOCK in high school who never expressed feelings, doesn't like PDA..i know he likes me but he doesnt call me to just talk about stuff u know like i've heard normal bf's do..we see each other atleast every other day but he never calls for the heck of it just txt to say whats up, want to hang out. should i tell him if im in this more than he is? i have been dying to go see this chick flick in theatres and he knows i want to see it badly..why can't he just ask to go? he also has only taken me out to eat once and didn't pay for me..basically is this cause he is new to being a bf? or what? what should i do that will not offend him

With Jeff Hardy being suspended, who will replace him and be the favorite for the ladder match.?

I for one, wouldn't really mind if any of them won. I would like to see someone like Carlito or Shelton win, because Carlito's cool and Shelton is going to put on the best show. I don't like MVP and don't see Jericho winning since he just won the IC title, what do you guys think.

I think people were smoking weed outside my house?

I wouldn't worry about it if i were you. There are no negative medicinal effects of marijuana. The only thing i would worry about is making sure that the users don't drive afterward. But as far as you, you're at no risk of any side effects.

Microscope High and Low Power Question?

Why is it sometimes better to use high power than the low power? Why is it sometimes better to use low power than high power?

“Every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally. This one’s mine I guess.?

From Chapter 9, To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus Finch says this quote. What does he mean? What makes this case special? Thanks!

Is the Gov. Perry's talk about seceding from the Union just because a Democrat is in the White House?

Let him secede. I'm sure them people would love to pay higher taxes, enjoy less freedom, and be slaves to dictator.

Hardy weinberg question?

in certain african countries 4 percent of the newborn babies have sickle-cell anemia, which is a recessive trait. out of a random poplulatin of 1000 newborn babies how many would you expet for each of th three possible genotypes.

Central heating will not heat water?

the boiler will not heat the hot water, when hot water is asked for alone, on my central heating, when c/h is on as well, the hot water heats normally, it's a gravity feed system, i cannot find a diverter valve,anywhere in the house, the tank thermostat has been changed, immersion heater ok, c/h system looks quite old, its an ideal rs460 boiler. Thanks, Al

What is your opinion on Praying/ speaking in toungues?

i read the book save me from myself by brian welch or korn fans call him head. I dont know to much about it but he has a whole chapter on praying in toungues.. i asked my church leader and he saidits a spiritual gift. whats your opinion

How do i Solve this Problem?

Solve for k given that the half life of a certain radioactive substance is 12.5 hours and y(t)=y(0)*e^(kt)

What would be a safe secure career for a 43 year old male?

I am a 43 year old father of two young girls. My current job in restaurants is not suitable for a future for my children and myself. I am weary of these schools that offer fast training and job placement after graduation, after all it is a business. Then there is the age discrimination factor. Does anybody have any relative experience with this situation I have described? Thank You.

My Friend is having PDA problems. Help?

maybe shes scared shy or just doesnt like PDA, point out a couple makin out and if she says ew than she just dont liek PDA

Who knows what the numbers are on the bottom of the wooden Thomas Train engines?

The numbers represent when they were made, so if a recall occurred, people would know which ones were safe or not. They aren't really "collectable," but a lot of kids love them and some parents try to get EVERYONE for their kids. This is one reason why so many consignment shops and other vultures want them so cheap. I suggest using eBay to scope out prices, but keep in mind that the prices on there are only really valid if someone is actually paying the price for it. It's not worth anyting if no one is actually bidding on the item / no demand for product.

OT,NT and Koran forbid the consumption of Alcohol and Swine?

The US has been so blessed for so long. Satan has been finding ways to make us weak, whether it be through our foods that cause us problems, medications that kill us, music, fashion, tv, magazines and even politics and these liberal agendas. Don't fall prey to the forked tongue folks.

Vowel [A, E, I, O, or U] names for BOYS?

We seem to be attracted to E names mostly, but any vowel names you can think of would be helpful. A few names we have considered are Izo, Etienne, Isai, Uziah, Aias, Elis�e, �n�e, Aziel, and Ira which are mostly Arabic and Hebrew names. Please do not suggest popular names such as Elijah, Elliott, Isaiah and Oliver as my partner says they are too common and will not consider them - much to my disappointment as I'd like to use Elliott.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Help me find the the marginal cost function?

well, the marginal cost of the monopolist is the minimum of both costs, then if you see MCb is always greater than MCa, since the monopolist wants to maximize its profits then it is not going to use plant b, then the marginal cost is given by MC=10+Q

Did you see the news???

Yes, I saw the news,and they have already been judged by the Word of God, they know what the bible says. That sound by Bon Jovi describes that situation ,well.What makes me sicker about the Foley thing is he conveniently used what happened as a child to explain the page thing.People can overcome Foley did not want to,when people become adults , they need to use maturity and reasoning,

How can i get this blocked feeling out of my ear its been there for several days,?

You need to see a doctor. You may have an ear infection. (I would know I get them all the time) Now it could be an inner ear infection or an outer ear infection. Or it could be both. I would go to a doctor and have them take a look at it. You need to stop laying on it, and washing it out with water. It will just make it worse. Hope this helps! :)

Do you think love is truly real?

I am an 18 year old male, I feel no emotion. I have none. I don't feel love or any profound feelings for mostly anything or anyone. Once a girl asked me out, I was hesitant, this was still in high school Junior year. The date? went terrible. awkward. she liked me, but again I have no emotions. I did not know how to respond half the time. I was very machine like. I still am. I am so insecure about giving away personal details, or preferences about what I truly like. never have done that. Don't ask me what type of music I like, because secretly I love enya. yes enya. I would never disclose this information to anyone, for fear that it some how would arrive back with my family. I wish I would be able to disclose my real feelings but, I never will due to my insecurities, major insecurities about my life. I sit on my computer all day. except for school of course. A girl just asked me to prom, I said yes. am I doomed to fail. I can be witty and have "seemingly" meaningful conversations some times, but usually inside, I am really just lying. I feel that I lie every time I laugh. The last time I actually laughed was around four or five years ago. everything else is just fake laughing, I feel terrible about it. well It doesn't really bother me. I'm just thinking about it. I can't remember the last time I cryed, maybe around two or three years old. I wish. that there was someone like me. that I could talk to. but then again, I would never talk to them. I just wish that someone knew who I really was. I think my main problem is that this information about my personal preferences will eventually get back to my parents. I hate uncertainty. I went through love in my mind for a few hours once, and concluded that it is all just a chemical reaction amplified by the thing you love, loving you back, Now that I know this, I find it hard to love. almost impossible. but masturbating, is just a chemical, and I do truly feel real feeling while I . I have wished that magic was real, that real love was real. that something, that can't be explained is real. every time something in my life starts to appear this way, and it has happened quite a few times, an enormous, amazing feeling over takes me. the best feeling in my opinion, this has happened quite a few times, for instance, when I was younger, watching youtube videos showing that anyone has the true power to move a piece of paper (PK wheel) with only their mind, this "feeling" arose in me. I really knew that it was just all fake, but the Idea that somewhere, somehow, somehow, it was real, even in the smallest fashion, gave me this amazing feeling, deep down inside. I have come to call this the deception feeling. for everytime I feel it, no matter how wonderful it is, it is never real, or the event never happens. god. love. PK, unexplained happenings, all gave the same feeling. many more in fact. I wish these were true, but now every time I get that feeling, I ociate what ever is giving me this feeling to not be true. and so far in every instance, this deceptive feeling, has deceived me. I once heard a saying "love with your heart, use your head for everything else" I think that love can actually fit into the second category as well. I have never done drugs, except prescribed ones, I have never been to a "party", unless you count weddings, I feel nothing. completely void of any emotion. I had wishes, great wishes, these wishes gave me that feeling, I have discarded them.I feel that by listening to enya I can actually trick myself to receive this feeling, I love the feeling of the feeling, and lie to myself to receive it, I do not regret this, for I believe that most people who love someone or something, obsession, are doing the same thing, just for longer periods of time and with support from others, again amplifying that feeling. any thoughts about this matter?

Who is someone that teenage boys look up to?

I need to know for school. Someone that is appropriate for school, not like Hugh Heffner or something. Thanks!

Rate my Fantasy Baseball Team?

Very good team you got here. Offense has real nice balance between power, speed, and contact. Hopefully, Chipper can stay healthy all year for you. Other than that, starting pitching is top notch for a 12 team league and you have a lot of depth to work with, which is always a huge benefit, when it comes to building a fantasy pitching staff. Relievers could use a a bit of an improvement, but I don't really see it being that much of a big problem. You could always try trading one of your extra starting pitchers for a solid closer if you wish, but as things stand, you definitely have an above average team and certainly are playoff worthy. Good luck, all the best!

During the Spanish invasion in Iraq (2004) did Iraq hold any Spanish POW or viceversa?

No. The Spanish government sent a small force that did not actually engage the Iraqi Army during the period before the government fell. Even among the British and Americans, who did almost all of the fighting, there were virtually no prisoners of war taken by the Iraqis. They were too busy running away to take prisoners. Similarly, because the Spanish did not engage the Iraqi military, they did not take prisoners of war. There may have been some prisoners taken after combat operations ended, but they were turned over to the Americans or the British. The Spanish did not maintain a sufficiently large military presence to keep prisoners.

If you get a grade on Edexcel GCSE A-level exams, can you change your grade by reappearing for just one unit?

I recently gave my A-level exams. Results came out today and I managed to get A's in all my exams except math. My dad ped away and due to that, I had a horrible C4 exam. I already got B as a grade. If I retake C4 again, and do better, will my grade change? And if so, how do I retake it? Please help me out here. =)

What Adam Lambert did on Wednesday...?

Okay so my question is how many of you think what Adam Lambert did on Wednesday was wrong. When Ryan told him to choose the group he thought he belonged to and he actually did. As far back as I remember nobody has actually chosen because they feel to bad. Also, Ryan never told him he was safe. He just automatically umed he was. His exact words were, "well based on last night, this group" (Danny and Alysons group.) He knew that that group had the better singers. First, I think it was rude of him to even choose to begin with, but I also wonder what Kris and Matt thought of him after he did that. I personally think it was wrong. Feel free to disagree and correct me if any of the points I have made are wrong. I just want your guys opinions on this situation. Do you think what he did was wrong? I think he has gotten way too y too. Again, my opinion...your thoughts please?

Need help, can't find this song?

the music video is like this guy with long blond frizzy hair and is on a spaceship in outer space and at some point he fights a monster? and i know the tune and all i just forgot the lyrics and i don't know the band or the name of the song please help!

Can an adult legally be held down and forced, against their will, to take the swine flu vaccination?

The adult in question here is not institutionalized and has not been found by a court to be legally insane. Also, can and will rfid chips be implanted in people without their knowledge or consent with these vaccines? If yes, please cite proof of what makes you think that.

How do I create a Username and pword option on my website?

I am making a website. I want the content to be such that a person has to register up first. Then he can login with his username and pword. Also I need to create 3 levels of accounts- The root (That is me), The moderators and the users. Can you please help me with this?

Do you watch the CW network?

I wonder why the CW network gets low ratings. I find their shows good. My favorites are gossip girl and smallville. I'm not from america so I wonder what americans think of cw. Is their signal bad or do you just don't like their shows?

Gay love question? (stupid 20 characters)?

Just the . There is no Law in the Bible for loving your fellow human beings, the Bible encourages it, and the hereafter will not have , so it won't get in the way of what really matters which is Love. But when you take something wholesome such as love and perverse it(both Hetero, , Bi, Pan, etc.) you cross the line, and something good gets twisted into something less than was intended by nature, basically you and I corrupt innocence, when physical lust enters into the picture, here is the thing that will set you on your ear too, even in the confines of marriage, obsession is still wrong, it brings dishonor to the relationship, if you look at your partner as an object of ual desire instead of a loving kind sweet human being that you share yourself with, you still sin. Overall marriage is just occasional in the confines of the relationship, not the core. The core of any marriage is completing each other lovingly, giving each other what the other lacks, to make one complete being, and with child shows the closest man will ever get in this life to the love of Heaven, father, mother, and child or if you prefer Father, Holy Spirit, and Son. See if what I have said doesn't make sense in 40-50 years, is frosting, not the cake friend. No one is telling who you should and shouldn't love, and I am not even trying to tell you how to live your life, I just don't want to be forced to "accept" it either legally, or financially, just like I don't want to force feed you and yours my heterouality, leave "sexuality" behind closed doors where it belongs not out for everyone to see, and no one takes offense, and no one gets hurt in the debates over it. Just like the military, don't ask, don't tell, and we will both raise our kids the way we feel is right, and not tell each other how wrong each others thinking is.

Can I ask him to call in?

Im four months preg and sick with a really bad cold.My house has fallen apart since i got sick,it looks like it got raided.And I have a three year old and a one and a half year old who are sick too.I really need the help and there is no body else I can call right now.Do you think he'd get fired if he did?He's a hard worker and the only time he missed work at this job is when he fell off our house and broke his leg and when he got swine flue.Besides that he hasnt missed a day.

Bay area's metromint.. is it still infected with Bacillis cereus?

i used to always drink this stuff.. it was amazing, i stopped when i heard that it was being recalled for having a bacteria bacillis cereus.. casuing vomiting, diaherra, and abdominal pain.. so is it still on recall.. is it safe to drink.. it makes me weary, like jeeze if something could happen to mint flavored water, then what eles could could be infected..

Guys over 30, opinion please?

well i think (coming from a guy) the only thing you can do is ask him to respect you and tell you if he is feeling something for someone else. people change partners all the time and it is there decision to do so, it might not be the right choice but it happens. it will just run him farther away from you if you start to be a controlling naggy girlfriend. i believe there is nothing that you can really do in this decision (sorry to say) because in the end men will be men.

How does card counting give any advantage?

Card counting allows for one to see how many aces and tens (roughly) are left. You now have a high probability of getting blackjack, but so does the dealer! How does this work?

Who else thinks Candice and Dustin were ignorant ane rude about the ticket agent in Kuwait? Dim Bulbs??

"team work" should not be allowed to trump the rules of civilization about no jumping the line

When to ride certain rides at cedar point? (to avoid lines)?

I usually go on the Millennium Force first and wait only around 30 min. But i haven't gone in awhile and i want to go on all of the major roller coasters (Millennium,Dragster,Maverick,etc...) without waiting for really long lines. Any recommendations for when to go on these rides to wait the least amount of time???

How do I suck out the fuel out of my Ford Probe?

Easiest way if you don't want to do it the old school way is to purchase a siphoning hose and remember to keep the container lower then the Probe's fuel tank.

Dallas Mavericks fans, are you worried after game 1 loss?

It's kind of sad but yea...They probably won't get another chance...LeBron is just too much with Wade and Bosh...They can take it in at will and shoot the three ball...D=

COME ON LADIES :) Woo hoo, when did you get a BFP (Big fat positive)?

I got mine the first day of my missed period. I didn't try to test before that. I am sure I would have got a positive a few days before because my test was an immediate dark positive. I had just finished my last birth control pack. My husband and I were considering maybe trying for a baby in a few months. We had unprotected (he pulled out but that doesn't really count) once and thats what did it. We named our son Liam Benjamin.

Do you like this piercing?

I think it would look wicked good.Not many people can pull off the barbell but you could get away with it.

Serious astrologers. What strikes you with this chart. Which words would sum the person up?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

HELP! Co-moderator NEEDED A/S/A/P!?

I am the owner of a support group for women where I need an accountable co-moderator who can help me with my group. Anybody who can help me and fits my requirements will receive Best Answer. Contact me at if you're interested.

Does it makes any difference to the system performance or graphics if i upgrade the ram to 4gb?

well, if your going for video performance, a 2400 prolly your biggest concern seriously. and 4 gigs is totally overkill dude. 2 is fine. bu then again if the screen is 1280, then maybe the 2400 will be enuff. not pushing to many pixels..

I have a questionfor all of you AP bio buffs!?

Sorry I was so unspecific on my las question! Well, we did a lab in AP bio with osmosis and diffusion. For one of our tests, we had 6 dialysis tubes. In each of the tubes we put distilled water, .2 molar sucrose solution, .4 molar sucrose solution, and so on up until 1.0 molar sucrose solution. Then we put each of the bags in distilled water. so my question is, how would the results be different if the control was the .4 molar solution of sucrose instead of the distilled water?

How much have you learned from YA, NB &B?

I know my ways are not the only way to do something. So what I really love about the NB section and the parenting section is the diversity.Every mommy is so different yet I still have a common bond with them also have learned great things about feeding and what to expect. I have also learned things I never knew and there have been a few mommies that have opened my eyes to new ways of doing things!And then unfortunately from this section I have learned some people are freaking nuts!And not everyone is cut out to be a parent.

Help! :P Can anyone point me toward a recording of Beethoven's Cantata on the death of Joseph II?

A CD is available on Hyperion Records, CDA66880, see a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Best album of MCR....?

what album of my chemical romance is the best? ( or has the best songgs in it) ? which should i buy?

HELP!.What are names that could be used with surname Santos for a boy?

I have a few names but i cannot come up with a conclusion to call my baby boy. So far the name i do like are Dylan, Leroy, Travis,Jensen, Julius, Jareth, Gareth, Dimitri, Caleb, Sebastian, Jensen,Deon,Devon. The problem is I always change my mind to use any of those names for my baby boy. So i need help with First and Middle name to go with Santos.


ever since the start of college my body and mind changed to a girls. i am a guy 19 5'11 and 145ish pounds too. my body seems to be changing into a girls and i think it has to do with hormones but im way to scared to see a doctor. my , hips, and thighs have gotten big and soft and recently so is my chest is starting even my girlfriend noticed my new feminine frame. there is no weight gain anywhere else on my body and i havent gained a lot of weight, but my skin is much softer and even the structure of my face is more feminine. everytime i look for a reason why all i get is a bunch or tranual stuff that im scared to read. wearing slim jeans, im not even a guy from the backside anymore and i feel like the only thing keeping me as a man is my . i was even mistaken for a girl the other day and i even get really emotional like a girl. IM AM NOT A TROLL and im sure its a hormone problem, but can some1 help me without telling me to go to a doctor please because part of me has accepted it and likes it, i feel like its a disease taking over

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why do some people find it unacceptable to use the term "animals" in a context where the word excludes humans?

Because it presumes that humans are different than animals. This is blasphemous to their evolution doctrine, and anyone who does not put blind faith in it or says somehting that they perceive undermines the theory, they feel must be intellectually challenged.

Why women always try to snuggle up?

We like to be close to you because we feel safer and more secure while in the arms of our big strong man. I guess I do at least. Also some people probably weren't held enough when they were young (me again) and really need that security from being close.

Who will win the 2009 NRL season?

If you scroll down in this section a bit you will find there is already two of these exact questions.

Whats a h&c number when applying for a ehic card?

when applying for a ehic card you have to put your h&c number for northern ireland an nhs number for england and wales and a chi number for scotland can someone tell me what is a h&c number where can i find it

Blue ?

Are blue real, i've heard that they are. But i got a guy hard once on the phone and he told me it felt good, when i asked him about it. I've seen different things that say they are just a myth to get girls to go further and i've seen things that say they're real and can be quite painfull. Guys, are they real?

I don't get the south park episode when indiana jones gets d by lucas and speilberg?

i mean it didnt happen right? but i love later in that episode when they find the 2 of them raping a storm trooper then when their outside its like running out the door squealing like a pig lmfaoo

Guy trouble so..can someone help me.?

Ok there is this guy and we will call him guyA so guyA and I were IMing on facebook and well we talked about how we used to like each other and still do so than in a really weird way he asked me out so i said yes.Than he sent me a message it said "yea tru wait yea but i dont want a relationship like with your old friend there was no pint to that there was no kissing or going on dates."So than i got kinda of scared cause i still haven't had my first kiss.I knew what he meant by that thought cause my friend that he went out with lets call her girlP well girlP had to keep every thing a Secret so they never went on a date.Than he sent me another message and this one said."wait if we went out guyC would hate me"okay so let me give you some info on guyC he is dating my best friend and well every thinks that he will leave her for me which i don't want so can someone tell me why guyA won't date me even thought we have liked each other for a long time is it cause guyC likes me cause i mean on facebook he is put down as my brother?I am just so lost can some one help me or should i just drop it all and just not deal with any of it?thax for reading and trying/helping me

How can i get rid of the bags under my eyes?

Hi my name is Cody and im 15 years old. I have pretty bad bags (dark circles) under my eyes. I've had him almost my whole life. I always get atleast 7+ hours of sleep, and sometimes i like to sleep in (9 or more hours). Everytime i go to the doctors, they make a comment about them, and they always say its allergies. But i've used the medication they've given me, and it doesn't help. I think they maybe hereditary? So if anyone knows of a way to maybe lessen the appereance of the bags, or to get rid of them, I'd really like to know. If additional info is needed, please say so

Yahoo Answers the Movie?

I am currently working on a proposal to develop Yahoo Answers into a major Hollywood movie. It is a 3 hour spectacular featuring Mark Hamill (provided he isn't dead) cast in the main role of Judas Rabbi. It follows a standard day in the life of the World's greatest answerer and boasts stunning footage of the small computer room where JR weaves his magic. It is a silent film and will rely heavily on the artistic interpretation of JR's insightful answers as we witness him typing in 3 word answers again and again. Production costs are low and I anticipate the film will gross 100 million at the box office. My question is - what viewing clification should I use? Would you watch such a movie? If JR did a nude scene, would this influence your decision?

For those out of work, would you be willing to "hire" a Job Search Consultant?

If the person was a credible professional and could truly ist with finding me a respectable and decent paying job, I'd consider it. But I wouldn't take a self-proclaimed "expert" and ume he/she can actually do something I can do on my own. It really depends on their expertise, their years of experience, their education, etc.


At the beginning of a bicycle ride for charity, Roberto and Juana are 30 mi apart. If they leave at the same time and ride in the same direction, Roberto overtakes Juana in 6 hr. If they ride toward each other, they meet in 1 hr. What are their speeds? HELP PLEASE

Can i have your opinion on this coat please?

I think this coat is very cute. I have a coat similar to it that my boyfriend bought for me from (bebe) 2 years ago. It's white and has the rabbit fur inside of the hood. It's just a tad bit shorter but looks similar. I like this coat. I think you should get it.

Isn't Rosie O'Donnell gorgeous?

Tell me this isn't pure beauty a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a :-)?!

Need tips on playing blackjack at a casino?

the best tip i can give you is to NOT believe in luck. its a random shuffle of cards, thats it. i picked up some helpful strategies by reading a book on professional black jack. but honestly, don't waste your money buying any books. rent them at a library or read it there then put it back on the shelf. just get some ideas from them, then make your own strategy. no one can really tell you how to make money on black jack. keep a consistent betting pattern. dont let someone tell you to bet big when your hot. all you will do is end up placing a huge chunk of money on the table only to bust. trust me i've been through the ups and downs. even a "good day" could crash into a cold deck. just have fun. remember you are already ahead if you're spending money you can afford to lose.

Need help getting rid of my belly?

ok so i have had a belly ever since I was like.. 8. anyways i am now 18 and i decided i want to make my stomach flat again, however the problem is im only 110 pounds, and i am 5'6. i realize i dont weight that much but trust me i eat pretty healthy and im in good physical shape. my resting heart rate in 55-60 beats per minute, i run 3-4 miles 5-7 times a week. anyways my question is how on earth do i get rid of my belly without losing anymore weight? i dont wanna lose weight cuz i dont want to be underweight, but i wanna have a flat belly. is there anyway? or am i just genetically this way and meant to be dispoportioned? :(. for the record i dont eat fast food, i dont drink pop, only water, i dont eat simple refined flours, only whole grains (brown rice, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, etc...) and i eat lots of fruits and vegetables and lean meats.

What about dog food? What kind?

California Natural is what our vet recomends. Also Paul Newman has one he said is good too. Do a search to see who sells it in your area. We have it at our local feedmills.

Can you freeze Ricotta cheese filing?

I made WAY to much filling for my pasta shells (Ricotta, shredded Italian cheese, ground beef....) and I was wondering if I can freeze it and if I can how would you thaw it out? Thanx!

Whats a manga thats like Ares?

i remember 1 that started off in the underworld and this guy was given a chance to get out. he was also sparing/fighting with some1 for his punnishment

Where can I find a legit company to help me get out of payday loan debt?

I have got myself into a little payday loan frenzy and have about 6 different payday loans that I can barely keep up with. I know there are so many companys out there who "claim" to be payday loan consolidation helpers.. but which ones are really legit?

Did Democrats lie about WMD in Iraq?

No I don't believe they lied, and either did Bush. Just a convenient way to blame Bush and take the focus off the Democrats that said the same thing.

Survey: What are some (no more than three, please) of your memorable movie scenes (even from a bad movie)?

the curious case of benjamin on- when the woman says "benjamin, we're supposed to lose the people we love, how else will we know how much they mean to us?"

What do you think of the chosen name for the Kangaroos AFL cheerleaders squad?

The "Buck Teeth Berthas". Do you think that is OK for the squad or do you think it is too feminine for us - bearing in mind we will be representing North Melbourne.

What do you think of the names...?

For the girls i liked: Bliss, Breeze, Bliss-lynn, Olivia. For the boys i liked: Maxx (it's simple and you dont hear many simple names too much) and Cody. Hope this helps :)

A few months ago i ped blood in my stool. there was lots of it, red. now, i have been experiencing...?

something even weirder... when i go to the bathroom, all i have been able to p is this greyish slimy, stick stuff, or clumps of what looks like flesh and blood to me. other times i get a pinkish creamy discharge from my backside, and i can not go regularly. i have a colonoscopy in 2 weeks, but anyone have any guesses? (no pain, and its not internal hemmroids)

How To Remove iPod Touch Scratches On The Back?

Okay So iHave The 4Th Generation iPod Touch And iJust Found My Old iPod Touch 3rd Generation,And It Has ALOT Of Scratches On The Back And iWant To Know Is There Anyway To Remove Them Note:Without Buying Anything)....Does Tooth Paste Work.? iNeed To Know ASAP Please And Thank You

Some "quatrains" just for fun - suggestions please?

those are nice poems and 1 more thing wisdom doesn't get you laid earning trust will get you a friend when you need them.

What Should I Do????????????????????????????…

the thing you should do is go back up to her and say something like ,i like your pretty hair that worked on me when a guy said that to me i was stunned and then i went out with him

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Obtaining child support?

My ex husband left me and my daughter over 1 yr ago. We are now divorced,however even with an attorney, i have yet to receive one dime of child support. I am about to loose my home, and it seems that in the court system there is continuance after continuance. I thought that the laws were to set to look after the needs of the children. My ex, was a cheater, and an alcoholic. I still have to let him see his daughter every other weekend, even though he does not help me with anything. I make very little money, but just enough as to Not qualify for istance. What can I do to jump start the whole judicial system?

How many DPO were you when you got your BFP?

I was 15DPO with this one but I also waited until my period was a couple days late(it was due on Jan. 2nd and I tested on Jan 4th).

IE page comes up on it's own! A chat box is also coming up on it's own as well.?

I was on FaceBook and clicked a link to view a video and now an Internet Explorer page opens up on desktop all by itself describing a problem in my system and that I need to download some file! The IE page that comes up is practically static. All I can do to it is close it out, thank goodness. It keeps reappearing and I ca't mak it stop short of locking down the firewall. Help!

Weird feeling in chest?

Last night i began to have this cold feeling in my chest. I have had it for about a day and its not painfull. It feels like someone is blowing in your chest. I have been having indegestion for about 3 days and was told to take gas x. I have taken it and the indegestion is still somewhat there. Could this be acid reflex or something esle? and what is this cold feeling in my chest?

**Should I get it??**?

ooh I like it!! you can wear it with long sleeve shirts...even polo shirts....its very versatile! i love vests!! and its on sale!!

A Lucky 15 for Nell Gwyn Stakes Day at Newmarket?

1.50 Jack Cool, 3.00 Rockhampton, 3.35 Pennys Gift, 4.15 Wajaha. I know I've gone against some of yours but I'm doing EW so good luck and lets hope we both come away with some dosh :)) P.S Why haven't Channel 4 got todays racing decent day of racing on the flat and over the jumps.

Whats wrong with me, i feel terrible?

Sounds like the flu, nothing extraordinary. However, if you should feel short of breath, you should seek medical attention right away. Sometimes the flu can turn into an upper respiratory infection.

Which book do you think...? (I can't make up my mind)?

If you can't decide, no one is going to decide for you. I would tell you to read all of them. Start from the top.

Question for Catholics?

Gen 9:3, 4; Lev.17:14; Acts 15:28, 29 states that taking blood into the body by mouth or vein violates God's laws. Why do you ingest what you believe to be the blood of Jesus during Holy Communion when it goes against the word of God?

Is Hugo Chavez wrong to call President Obama ignorant, surely he's continuing the tradition of US. hegemony?

Just send Barry's teleprompters to all nations that do not look favorably towards the USA. I'm sure the bamaprompters will make people like the USA again. Now that would be fast and effective international relations right there!!!

Ever want to liberate yourself from all social connections?

If you are hurting, you'll end up hurting other people, because people are connected, emotionally. Be them your friends, your family or relatives. I wonder sometimes why I have to be a such a nuisance to everybody. I want to sometimes liberate myself and cut down all the social entanglements. Me suffering alone is enough. It annoys me that I will always end up hurting others because I cannot control myself. I want to be completely alone.

I have the solution to child support, want to hear?

I see your point because a lot of parents who receive child support do not think about the child's future. I think that they should make each parent who receives child support keep receipts of what they are spending the money on and have to show that. I have heard horrible stories where the mom spends it on drugs, and other stupid things. The only problem I see with Social Services getting involved, some states are not equipped for this. What if the non-custodial parent stops working then what? What do you think should happen then?

Is it natural for boys to love ?

yes-guys love s-especially nice bouncy ones..I guess it reminds us of our mothers in a way-the need to suck on a nice pair never goes away...If they are looking too much -it might be time for a more supportive bra, LOL

Everytime I eat i feel like im going to throw up why does this happen?

Everytime I eat i feel like im gonna throw up and i sit and think i hope wont feel like im gonna throw up again then i do feel lke i will how can i make it better?

I have just bought a 8 week old staffie?

The baby may incite the dog and he may bite the child. Surrender that dog immediately before it attacks the baby, you, and your partner.

Have any of you forgiven and ever reconciled with someone?

who did something as big as betrayal, being jealous/possessive/insecure and causing you emotional abuse etc

The Dolce Gusto Single Serve Coffee Machine?

Personnaly, I own a Dolce Gusto coffee machine and I really like the different flavors. My favorites are the cappuccino and the chococcino. I also like to add an espresso cap to a chococino...yummy! I bought mine online and I also order my coffee caps online as it comes cheaper. I bought it on and I got it only a couple of days after I paid.

So confused! Is he into me or does he hate me?

really sounds like he likes you,people only give that kind of eye contact for attraction,im sure he wouldnt hate you,he has no reason....he may be a bit sceard though cos he is working at your school

Monitor displays 'no video input'?

Make sure you un-install or turn off the device driver for your current video card before installing your newer one.

Need help with dvd burning?

I use cheetah dvd burner. and i have mainly movies i want to burn i have been using the data cd selection and not sure if that may be causing some errors or freezing. I kinda just want to copy all my movies etc to the dvd i dont really care to convert it or w.e so could it be the dvds or how im burning.

Im trying to become a ladies man. did i do this right?

LOL That is really cute. She probably knew you were uncomfortable, girls at your age are beginning to notice things like that. Many would think your awkwardness is cute. If you really want to be a ladies man then be sweet and sincere. Try to have a conversation when convenient. When she is going to practice may not be the best time because she may be in a hurry. Hugs can be overdone. They are good once in a while.

Entrance song for 1st fight?

I have my first mma fight on saturday and im not sure what fight i should come out to...i was thinking iron maiden- the trooper.. let mr know if this is a good song for an entrance or if you can drop some other ideas. ( anything rock or rap is cool)

Can one fall pregnant after usual or unusual menopause?

Yup, my mom did. I have a little brother 10 years younger than me- he's her sixth child. She had him at 45, a lovely surprise!

Should I make this move?

Lets think about this. You want to drop Jacobs or Evans. Both were top 6 picks at least! You want to drop them for a guy you never heard of until last week? Come on, he has Carnell Williams and Mike Pittman in front of him. You think he will have more days like last week in the future? He would have to hope both guys in front of him became injured just so he could see the field. This isn't the Dever Broncos were talking about its the Buccs. Also lets say you picked him up. When you play him? You have 3 guys on your team that you would start before him. Lee Evans is very talented he is sure to break out soon enough. Look at what he did last year in the last 5 games last year. You would be stupid to drop either Evans or Jacobs for this 3rd string junk. But hey what do I know?

Aquarius girl/woman and LEO boy/guy trouble?

u should never be with a guy who fail to understand u..let go.....ya it feels bad but trust me there will be better guy to come who will love u and understand u and accept u the way u are.........alwayz remember people who laugh now will cry letter.........

I'm thinking about being a politician, should I go to the Air Force Academy?

It would be wise to get into some sort of military. Airforce is the easiest when it comes to the physical parts, but they are really keen on smart people, and if academics is your route u want to take to get into politics, this is a good one. I would also try to see if u can get into West Point Naval Academy, they r the best of the best!

Do you try to keep these commandments? How hard? How often do you succeed?

i do keep the ten commandments 95% of the time. and considering that those ten commandments are the only word and laws god has ever expected humans to obey. i find All other religions blasphemous.

BMX bunny hop/broncos help?

YESSS!! I can finally do bunny hops and broncos i just learned em today on my felt bmx bike. Before i just jumped stairs (3 at the most) also, i am learning how to do a wheelie. Any ways, all my bunny hops/broncos only go up 3-5 inches and i really wanna go up further than that any tips?

Which Processor is better ?

there almost the same but Intel® Atom™ processor N455- 1.66 GHz- 512KB Cache is just a little better but it depend on what your planning to do

What would you do if the Green Bay Packers Signed Farve agian would you be Excited or wouldnt care?

I think they would welcome him back with open arms and forget about the past I hope he could play one more season this will happen If the vikings move to LA which might and If favre is willing and able to play can't make any promises upon that.

Varying the split in dividends payable in private company?

If two equal shareholders wish to change the distribution of dividends so that one gets (e.g.) 75% and the other 25% for a period, is it legally possible to effect this without changing the shareholdings?

LGBT: Your opinions......?

It gets me so heated when people make fun or bully others just because they're gay or or biual. Why don't people freakin' understand that it's not a choice to be gay? It's not a "way of life", it's just how you are, it's in your genes. Why should gay marriage be voted in, when our straight marriage wasn't? It's not fair, that just because someone is attracted to their same gender, they have to be put through all this prejudice and even violence. For what? For loving someone? It's all bull, in my opinion. The bigots and phones out there should stop being so igonrant and open their eyes and minds and see that gay people aren't evil of however they thing gays are. It's not wrong, it's not a sin, and it's not a choice. Do people choose to be straight? Do people choose to be black, or white, or Latino? It's how you're born. Why the hell can't people just accept gays and their attraction to the same ?

Philosophy: In which place do you have the most meaningful thoughts or best ideas? Why?

For me it has to be in dreams - or at least that strange no man's land that is not quite asleep and not quite awake. I have deep, meaningful and insightful thoughts when I am not all there. If only I could remember to note them down when I wake up . . . . . :o)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why don't developers demolish and re-build, instead of (gag) "renovating"?

Dabble in the construction world for a little bit, you will find that it costs a hell of alot more money to tear down a house than to gut it and renovate it. Plus, building primarily with stucco or concrete would cost way to much and if there was a problem, it would cost too much to fix it. Trust me, they wouldn't renovate a house that couldn't withstand the pressure and weights of everyday living, that is why we have engineers. It is not always and only about how a building looks, but how it functions.