Monday, August 15, 2011

Will it get better, or has this screwed me up forever?

last week, i was in a really bad earthquake. a few hundred people died and the most beautiful city, was destroyed. my mum made me come home for a few weeks, but i want to go back and help people! i am getting so angry at everybody who wasn't there and is trying to tell me what i am meant to do during an earthquake, when they have never been in one! people are telling me not to move back there and i want to scream at them all! one of my sisters friends pulled dead bodies out of buildings and the other day, he asked if he could come visit my sister (who wasn't in the earthquake) and she said no, because she was feeling sick. i got so angry!! how dare she not think about what he has gone through?! even peoples facebook statuses talking about something 'hard' in their life, makes me just want to yell at them because they have no idea! my friend who was in the quake feels the same as me and we don't know if it will ever get better. it has seriously screwed us up. what the hell am i meant to do? i am just so angry and sad.

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