Monday, August 15, 2011

Implantation or Period?

I am due for my period tomorrow April 24th....2 days ago I had moderate period like cramps that just wouldn't go away.....then they went about about 12 hours later....and then for the last 2 days after that occurred...I been have dull aches in that general area nothing like period cramps....I have been have bad acne breakouts which have actually calm down, I'm extremely tired, did get swollen and achy but that went down too....achy muscles, off and on dizziness, and off and on headaches as cycle is between 26-28 days and last for 3 to 4 days each cycle....just want to know if that was possiblity implantation cramping and if so how long does implantation usually last? or if it just old aunt flo around the corner?? thanks!

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