Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Guy trouble so..can someone help me.?

Ok there is this guy and we will call him guyA so guyA and I were IMing on facebook and well we talked about how we used to like each other and still do so than in a really weird way he asked me out so i said yes.Than he sent me a message it said "yea tru wait yea but i dont want a relationship like with your old friend there was no pint to that there was no kissing or going on dates."So than i got kinda of scared cause i still haven't had my first kiss.I knew what he meant by that thought cause my friend that he went out with lets call her girlP well girlP had to keep every thing a Secret so they never went on a date.Than he sent me another message and this one said."wait if we went out guyC would hate me"okay so let me give you some info on guyC he is dating my best friend and well every thinks that he will leave her for me which i don't want so can someone tell me why guyA won't date me even thought we have liked each other for a long time is it cause guyC likes me cause i mean on facebook he is put down as my brother?I am just so lost can some one help me or should i just drop it all and just not deal with any of it?thax for reading and trying/helping me

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