Sunday, August 14, 2011

She is acting differant out of nowhere? Help?

Well we both like each other but we are not together yet. She usually calls me darlin an wishes me sweat dreams everynight. Last time she said those was thursdays. I liked it when she said those stuff to me cause to me, it was kinda like a reminder that she still liked me which made me feel good. Friday we hung out with our group and she hardely talked to me. I texted her the next day asking be why she wasnt talking to me and that we hardly talked. She said "I didn't en realize, I'm sorry." I told her that I stopped making efforts to talk to her cause it seemed like she didn't wanna talk to me. She said "I must have been kinda out of it. Sorry." On the weekends, if I don't text her first, she texts me. Yesterday she didn't text me first which was kind o strange. I texted her like at 6:00 p.m. What do I do? She is acting differen out of nowhere! She hasn't really been fun to text that. Should I not tex her for a while and see if she texts me? Should I not go to school to see her? I'm homeschooled and she is not. I go to the highshool everyday after school. Could she be on the time of the month? Im not gonna ask her that cause girls get offended or Somthing. What did I do? I did nothin wrong! What could be the reasons behind this? We text everyday for months. Maybe I'm being too clingy? How long should I not see or text her? I'm probably not going over there cause I gotta do homework. And if I don't text her on a school day, she would text me like at 8:00 p.m if I havent texted her yet.

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