Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gay love question? (stupid 20 characters)?

Just the . There is no Law in the Bible for loving your fellow human beings, the Bible encourages it, and the hereafter will not have , so it won't get in the way of what really matters which is Love. But when you take something wholesome such as love and perverse it(both Hetero, , Bi, Pan, etc.) you cross the line, and something good gets twisted into something less than was intended by nature, basically you and I corrupt innocence, when physical lust enters into the picture, here is the thing that will set you on your ear too, even in the confines of marriage, obsession is still wrong, it brings dishonor to the relationship, if you look at your partner as an object of ual desire instead of a loving kind sweet human being that you share yourself with, you still sin. Overall marriage is just occasional in the confines of the relationship, not the core. The core of any marriage is completing each other lovingly, giving each other what the other lacks, to make one complete being, and with child shows the closest man will ever get in this life to the love of Heaven, father, mother, and child or if you prefer Father, Holy Spirit, and Son. See if what I have said doesn't make sense in 40-50 years, is frosting, not the cake friend. No one is telling who you should and shouldn't love, and I am not even trying to tell you how to live your life, I just don't want to be forced to "accept" it either legally, or financially, just like I don't want to force feed you and yours my heterouality, leave "sexuality" behind closed doors where it belongs not out for everyone to see, and no one takes offense, and no one gets hurt in the debates over it. Just like the military, don't ask, don't tell, and we will both raise our kids the way we feel is right, and not tell each other how wrong each others thinking is.

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