Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is it ok to date now? or am I still morally obligated to my ex boyfriend?

short version, i've been off and on with ex for about 2 years, point is he is just so emotionally cold, & me the helpless romantic, and I went home to see my family and clear my head because I wanted to make a decision to continue to try to work our feelings out or just move on. I do love him and I really want things to work out and we have feelings for each other but he is just doesn't like people getting to close to him and if you keep someone too far away they will leave. 2 weeks ago I spoke to him and I hadn't spoken to him in about a month and he was all about seeing me catching up saying how much he missed me, but of course typically him all talk and no action. So the last time we left things off, it was "this is not a relationship" but we don't know what it is, we are sorting our feelings out. So I just got so tired of hearing it, that is struck a really bad cord with me. Yesterday was my bday, and he never even wished me happy bday. So lately this new guy has been wanted to hang out and to get to know me as a friend and well, I feel kind of guilty but my questions is should I? I mean my ex never returns my phone calls, or texts, calls me like once a month to tell me how much he misses me, then I don't hear from him for another month. I am just tired of being jerked around, and I am starting to grow fond of this new guy, he seems really sweet but i'm still getting to know him as a friend and taking things slow. So I just want to know is this morally ok? cause loyalty is huge to me

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