Tuesday, August 9, 2011

LGBT: Your opinions......?

It gets me so heated when people make fun or bully others just because they're gay or or biual. Why don't people freakin' understand that it's not a choice to be gay? It's not a "way of life", it's just how you are, it's in your genes. Why should gay marriage be voted in, when our straight marriage wasn't? It's not fair, that just because someone is attracted to their same gender, they have to be put through all this prejudice and even violence. For what? For loving someone? It's all bull, in my opinion. The bigots and phones out there should stop being so igonrant and open their eyes and minds and see that gay people aren't evil of however they thing gays are. It's not wrong, it's not a sin, and it's not a choice. Do people choose to be straight? Do people choose to be black, or white, or Latino? It's how you're born. Why the hell can't people just accept gays and their attraction to the same ?

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